Well here we are on the last lap and I’m not entirely sure where the last two years have gone to.  Certainly I’m delighted by what whats been achieved.

Thousands of documents have been catalogued and images produced that are currently being transferred in quantity to the Peoples Collection Wales enabling community history groups to share their culture and hertiage with the widest audience.

Our easy to access catalogues are also in the process of being uploaded to this website providing detailed information on archival holdings.

We’ve also been pleased to successfully roll out the whole series of Zoom based training sessions on managing archives with 8 sessions providing professional advice and guidance and fantastic feedback.

The last few weeks certainly won’t see us winding down. We are running at full speed uploading material and finishing the last of the catalogues. With such an immensely successful community project it’s now time to look to the future and see possibly how we might build on this success.  We’d love to be able to do something similar for others, perhaps your local history or community group.  Fingers firmly crossed!