Welcome to the latest blog post from the coal face of the Five Communities History Project.

The project officers continue their hard work cataloguing and digitising the extensive archival local history collection from Llangwm. At the moment items being worked on include the very human stories of men from Llangwm lost in the First World War.

However, some of the best items of note are the amazing diaries of George Stephens of Llangwm Ferry. These have been excellently transcribed and typed up into a series of files and although I am not able to linger on the detail here, the value of the information contained is clear. They provide the most intriguing picture of life in Llangwm with comments on both local and international events. There are detailed descriptions of events, prices, weather, people, and so much more. We are very excited about getting these digitised and available for research as the project continues apace.

This poses the question about how many more similarly valuable items are hidden away, just waiting to be discovered – and the more items like this that the project reveals and makes accessible the more we learn about our communities.