Author: S Berry

  • Pembrokeshire Community Heritage Week 2021 – YouTube Playlist

    Pembrokeshire Community Heritage Week 2021 – YouTube Playlist

    The full play-list, featuring all of the video outputs of this year’s Community Heritage Week, are now available, here: These videos are available to access via PLANED’s YouTube channel and include all of the week’s talks, community stories and live events, such as the quiz.

  • Pembrokeshire Community Heritage Week

    Pembrokeshire Community Heritage Week

    New event coming soon! Pembrokeshire Community Heritage Week is a new initiative that PLANED are very proud to be developing in 2021… Full details are contained in the letters (English and Welsh) found in the links below, but it is worth noting that this year’s event is planned to run from Monday 31 May until…

  • Historic Hook

    Historic Hook

    One community history group has been very productive during the COVID-19 pandemic, producing no fewer than 19 articles on a range of locally relevant topics… Hook History Society (see their Echoes page here: have used the time to create a series of relevant articles on a wide range of historical topics, including agriculture and…